Tuesday, September 27, 2011

gets taller

I want to gets taller. because my tall is not tall enough. I want more then 165cm. So now I need to drink lots of milk and sleep at 10 o'clock. I can drink lots of milk but I can't sleep at 10, because I have so many homework and study to do. I'll try very hard!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

social study

I don't like social study. so I don't know about korea social. Now I need to study USA social,because I want to get out of ESL. I'm try to read USA social book,(In korean) but I can't under stand. How can I study easyier.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


In this 추석, I met my cousins.They give me a poket money. I gets 10만원 from them. I ate 송편. My grandmother makes it. It was very yummy. I want to eat them more but she didn't make many.I was very happy in this 추석.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

horror movie

Yesterday I watched a horror movie. That movie`s name was 'REC'. It cames out jombies. It was very scary. so last night I can`t go to bed. but I want to watch another horror movies.